Everything About Cardiovascular In Pharma

Everything About Cardiovascular In Pharma

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) can be defined as a collective of disorders of your blood vessels and heart. They include a wide range of diseases such as the following:

  • coronary heart diseases
  • rheumatic heart diseases
  • cerebrovascular diseases
  • congenital heart diseases
  • peripheral arterial diseases
  • pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis

All these diseases are different from each other in terms of the parts that they affect. For example, coronary heart diseases happen to the blood vessels that provide the heart muscle with blood. Cerebrovascular diseases affect the blood vessels that supply the brain. However, you can treat them by consuming medicines from the top cardiovascular pharma companies in India.

Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular diseases 

Strokes and heart attacks are the first signs of underlying diseases of blood vessels. The signs of heart attacks are discomfort or pain in the chest and/or discomfort or pain in the arms, jaw, left shoulder, back, and elbows. The clearest symptom of a stroke is an abrupt weakness of your face, limbs, or entire side of your body. Apart from these, you might also experience numbness in those areas and difficulty & confusion in understanding speech and speaking. In such cases, you will also find it hard to see – either in one eye or both eyes.    

Best drugs for treating cardiovascular diseases  

Anticoagulants are the first name that comes to mind when it comes to treating CVDs. They decrease the coagulation or clotting ability of your blood. 

Antiplatelet agents and DAPT (dual antiplatelet therapy) are also prescribed a lot in these cases as these medicines prevent the formation of blood clots by stopping blood platelets from sticking with each other. DAPT is used along with antiplatelet agents to treat CVDs in people who already have stents inserted surgically into their coronary arteries or have undergone CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) surgery. 

ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors lower your blood pressure by widening your blood vessels and thus lower the workload placed otherwise on your heart.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers or inhibitors are used to stop angiotensin II from affecting your blood vessels or heart in any way, and this makes sure that your blood pressure does not rise. 

ARNIs (angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitors) improve blood flow and artery openings. They also decrease the strain put on your heart and reduce the amount of sodium (salt) your body retains.

Beta-blockers, also referred to as Beta-adrenergic blocking agents, slow the force of contraction and heart rate thus lowering blood pressure.   


Prakruti Life Science, one of the top cardiovascular pharma companies in India places significant emphasis on your heart health through its products that can perform all the functions that are necessary to keep such a vital organ in good enough shape. Its amlodipine tablets are used for treating conditions that happen because of coronary artery diseases such as angina or chest pain. They are also immensely effective in treating hypertension or high blood pressure. Its telmisartan tablets are the best angiotensin II receptor antagonists that can help you manage your hypertension more effectively as well.  

Top 5 Things to Consider Before Exporting Pharma Products

Top 5 Things to Consider Before Exporting Pharma Products

There is a great demand for effective and safe pharmaceutical products in a world where there is an intricate entanglement of healthcare and global trade. It may be a vital medicine or a life-saving one – there is nothing to deny that the reliability of the pharmaceutical exporter you are working with is extremely important.  

1. Detailed knowledge of the regulatory landscape 

As a top pharmaceutical exporters, you must have complete knowledge of the regulations and rules of the country you are exporting to. These rules usually tend to be rather complex and their primary aim is to make sure that the products entering their jurisdiction are safe, high quality, and effective. The best exporters are always up to date with the latest amendments and guidelines issued by the regulatory bodies, and monitor the new categories being introduced in the industry. 

2. Firm relationships with top manufacturers 

It is always important to have great relationships with the top manufacturers in the pharmaceutical sector in the country that you are exporting to – this is a high-priority part of the work that you do in this regard. You must understand how valuable it is to collaborate with these organizations and work towards the same goal. You should also conduct due diligence to ensure that there are no issues in this particular regard. 

3. Great cold chain management 

Always keep this particular factor in mind especially when you are exporting to a country that has a variable climate. Such climatic conditions can and do pose challenges as far as storing and transporting pharmaceutical products is concerned – after all, they are so sensitive to temperature! This is especially true of biologics and vaccines. The best exporters always understand how important it is to preserve the utility of their products. 

4. Vast network of distributors in the country where the medicines are being exported 

You must also have a great network of distributors in the country where you are exporting the medicines. You should understand how important it is that the medicines are delivered efficiently and quickly to the healthcare providers, patients, and pharmacies across the different regions of the country where you are exporting the medicines. To this end, you should work with the top logistics companies in those countries. 

5. Following the specific labeling and packaging requirements 

No matter which country you are exporting your medicines to, there are specific rules for how they should be labeled and packaged. In certain countries, these regulations are not the same as the international standards in such cases. The best pharmaceutical exporters always pay attention to these details and make sure that they never flout the regulations for labeling and packaging the products that they are exporting. 


Just look at how the best pharmaceutical exporters in India such as Prakruti Life Science offer a customer-centric approach to go with local support. These companies always attach top priority to their clients because they understand the special needs that they have, and so, they provide them all with the help the latter need.